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- I Mr Bedford Meets Mr Cavor at Lympne
- II The First Making of Cavorite
- III The Building of the Sphere
- IV Inside the Sphere
- V The Journey to the Moon
- VI The Landing on the Moon
- VII Sunrise on the Moon
- VIII A Lunar Morning
- IX Prospecting Begins
- X Lost Men in the Moon
- XI The Mooncalf Pastures
- XII The Selenite’s Face
- XIII Mr Cavor Makes Some Suggestions
- XIV Experiments in Intercourse
- XV The Giddy Bridge
- XVI Points of View
- XVII The Fight in the Cave of the Moon Butchers
- XVIII In the Sunlight
- XIX Mr Bedford Alone
- XX Mr bedford in infinite space
- XXI Mr Bedford at Littlestone
- XXII The Astonishing Communication of Mr Julius Wendigee
- XXIII An Abstract of the Six Messages First Received From Mr Cavor
- XXIV The Natural History of the Selenites
- XXV The Grand Lunar
- XXVI The Last Message Cavor Sent to the Earth