Show Summary Details
- Oxford World’s Classics: Dubliners
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Composition and Publication History
- Select Bibliography
- A Chronology of James Joyce
- Map: Dublin c.1904
- The Sisters
- An Encounter
- Araby
- Eveline
- After the Race
- Two Gallants
- The Boarding House
- A Little Cloud
- Counterparts
- Clay
- A Painful Case
- Ivy Day in the Committee Room
- A Mother
- Grace
- The Dead
- Appendix A List of Selected Variants
- Appendix B Order of Composition of Stories
- Appendix C A Curious History
- Appendix D The Irish Homestead Version of ‘the Sisters’
- Explanatory Notes
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- Oxford World’s Classics: Dubliners
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Composition and Publication History
- Select Bibliography
- A Chronology of James Joyce
- Map: Dublin c.1904
- The Sisters
- An Encounter
- Araby
- Eveline
- After the Race
- Two Gallants
- The Boarding House
- A Little Cloud
- Counterparts
- Clay
- A Painful Case
- Ivy Day in the Committee Room
- A Mother
- Grace
- The Dead
- Appendix A List of Selected Variants
- Appendix B Order of Composition of Stories
- Appendix C A Curious History
- Appendix D The Irish Homestead Version of ‘the Sisters’
- Explanatory Notes