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- Front Matter
- Volume I
- Chapter I: Entrance of the Mississippi—BalizeFrances Trollope
- Chapter II: New Orleans—Society—Creoles and Quadroons—Voyage up the MississippiFrances Trollope
- Chapter III: Company on board the Steamboat—Scenery of the Mississippi—Crocodiles—Arrival at Memphis—NashobaFrances Trollope
- Chapter IV: Departure from Memphis—Ohio River—Louisville—CincinnatiFrances Trollope
- Chapter V: Cincinnati—Forest Farm—Mr BullockFrances Trollope
- Chapter VI: Servants—Society—Evening PartiesFrances Trollope
- Chapter VII: Market—Museum—Picture Gallery—Academy of Fine Arts—Drawing School—Phrenological Society—Miss Wright’s LectureFrances Trollope
- Chapter VIII: Absence of public and private Amusement—Churches and Chapels—Influence of the Clergy—A RevivalFrances Trollope
- Chapter IX: Schools—Climate—Water Melons—Fourth of July—Storms—Pigs—Moving Houses—Mr Flint—LiteratureFrances Trollope
- Chapter X: Removal to the country—Walk in the forest—EqualityFrances Trollope
- Chapter XI: ReligionFrances Trollope
- Chapter XII: Peasantry, compared to that of England—Early marriages—Charity—Independence and equality—Cottage prayer-meetingFrances Trollope
- Chapter XIII: Theatre—Fine Arts—Delicacy—Shaking Quakers—Big-Bone Lick—Visit of the PresidentFrances Trollope
- Chapter XIV: American Spring—Controversy between Messrs. Owen and Campbell—Public ball—Separation of the sexes—American freedom—ExecutionFrances Trollope
- Chapter XV: Camp-MeetingFrances Trollope
- Chapter XVI: Danger of rural excursions—SicknessFrances Trollope
- Chapter XVII: Departure from Cincinnati—Society on board the Steam-boat—Arrival at Wheeling—Bel EspritFrances Trollope
- Chapter XVIII: Departure for the Mountains in the Stage—Scenery of the Alleghany—HaggerstownFrances Trollope
- Chapter XIX: Baltimore—Catholic Cathedral—St. Mary’s College—Sermons—Infant SchoolFrances Trollope
- Chapter XX: Voyage to Washington—Capitol—City of Washington—Congress—Indians—Funeral of a Member of CongressFrances Trollope
- Volume II
- Chapter XXI: Stonington—Great Falls of the PotomacFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXII: Small Landed Proprietors—SlaveryFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXIII: Fruits and Flowers of Maryland and Virginia—Copper-head Snake—Insects—ElectionsFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXIV: Journey to Philadelphia—Chesapeak and Delaware Canal—City of Philadelphia—Miss Wright’s LectureFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXV: Washington Square—American Beauty—Gallery of Fine Arts—Antiques—Theatres—MuseumFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXVI: Quakers—Presbyterians—Itinerant Methodist Preacher—Market—Influence of females in societyFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXVII: Return to Stonington—Thunder-storm—Emigrants—Illness—AlexandriaFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXVIII: American Cooking—Evening Parties—Dress—Sleighing—Money-getting Habits—Tax-Gatherer’s Notice—Indian Summer—Anecdote of the Duke of Saxe-WeimarFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXIX: Literature—Extracts—Fine Arts—EducationFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXX: Journey to New York—Delaware River—Stage-coach—City of New York—Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies—Theatres—Public Garden—Churches—Morris Canal—Fashions—CarriagesFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXXI: Reception of Captain Basil Hall’s Book in the United StatesFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXXII: Journey to Niagara—Hudson—West Point—Hyde Park—Albany—Yankees—Trenton Falls—Rochester—Genesee Falls—LockportFrances Trollope
- Chapter XXXIII: Niagara—Arrival at Forsythes—First sight of the Falls—Goat Island—The Rapids—Buffalo—Lake Erie—Canandaigua—Stage-coach adventuresFanny Burney
- Chapter XXXIV: Return to New York—ConclusionFanny Burney
- Volume I
- End Matter