Chapter Page

Each chapter page has three parts under the standard header (for more information on the standard header see On Every Page): the index card at the top; the contents in the main pane, and navigation links on the left.

At the top: the index card

This is a short version of the book page's index card. Click on the book title or cover picture to go back to the book page.

In the middle: the contents

Each chapter is presented completely on its own web page, and has its own DOI, shown at the top of the content, above the chapter abstract. You can use the arrows on the right to jump from one heading to another.

On the left: the navigation links

All the boxes on the left help you find exactly what you want -- either inside this OWC, on the OWC site, or elsewhere.

  • Use the Search within box to run a quick search through the contents on the OWC you are looking at.
  • The book Contents are set out, so you can click through to a new chapter.
  • Subject(s) in OWCs Online shows how we have classified this OWC; click on a heading to see all the OWCs in that subject.

The chapter toolkit

Between the header and the index card, at the right of the screen, is a set of icons that are a toolkit for using the chapter.

  • Print shows you a print-friendly version of the chapter page.
  • Save enables you to save the chapter to your personal profile. (see Personalization.)
  • Cite opens a pop up window that gives you a simple but accurate citation form that you can use to refer to this content (following an OUP standard based on Hart's Rules), and enables you to export bibliographic data in .ris format if you are using citation management software. Note that this citation obtains for the book, not the chapter.
  • Share lets you post a link to a social service such as Twitter or Facebook - click on the button to reveal all supported services.